Thursday, February 27, 1997

US Virgin Islands

[singlepic id=4817 w=180 h=40 mode=web20 float=left]Good morning! This is Alex Randall with Good News Headlines


Senate President Lorraine Berry is the Person of the Year.

The Rotary Club of St. Thomas Two held their annual Person of the Year Award luncheon yesterday named Senate President Lorraine Berry their Person of the Year. The Rotarians cited her steadfast positions on fiscal responsibility, her integrity and her vision. Lorraine Berry was speechless, then spoke eloquently about how surprised she was and honored. She also said her Senate will do the people’s business. Senator Berry also reminds all students that her annual essay contest has a March 5th Deadline. The essay topic is about education – where can improvements be made. 02/26/97 2:34 PM

America’s Cup Signs Top Yacht Designer

Our America’s Cup Challenge signed up Pedrick Yacht Designs of Newport RI to design our America’s Cup Challenger. Pedrick has been the principal designer of seven previous America’s Cup yachts and two were winners, Courageous and Stars and Stripes. Peter Holmberg’s team is shaping up into a very formidable challenger. We have a leading designer, a training yacht and a solid core of America’s Cup veterans on the team. We can win this.

No Cuts in the Women’s, Infants and Children’s Program

Representatives of the Dept. of Agriculture came to the Knud Hansen Complex yesterday to meet with Patricia Barnes and her staff at the Program for Women, Infants and Children. Our WIC team won high praises for their work after Hurricane Marilyn for getting immediate aid to our mothers and young children. The big news is that President Clinton is not going to allow any cuts to the WIC program. WIC is a vital mission and it will be fully funded.

Prepare for Storm Season

VITEMA is getting ready for Hurricane Season. June will mark the beginning of storm season. We can expect more natural disasters according to scientists. In the last eight years a series of major storms have effected us while the previous 61 years were almost stormless. The heads of all emergency preparedness agencies met and began their planning for this season. You are reminded that preparations are the most important part of weathering the storm.

Senator Roosevelt David and Better Roads Help Dober School

Roosevelt David made good news for the Dober school. He is working on partnerships with the private sector. This Time Senator David convinced Better Roads to pave the access road to Dober school. NO more mud at Dober. That’s great news. Thank you Roosevelt David for making good news.

What Year is It?

You probably think you already know what year it is. But Delegate Christian-Green was on the House Floor yesterday to help pass a bill for the International Year of the Coral Reef. The world will be paying attention to the vital role of the coral reefs in the ocean ecosystem. There will be new work to save the reefs. That’s good news

On the sore spot report:

The Sore Spot Hot line went off – Today’s Caller says there are a lot of huts and shanty’s along Brookman Road between Ft Mylner and Nadir near the Cement Factory. Our caller says he drives by with visitors all the time and the place looks awful. Who is issuing these construction licenses?

Coming Up:

  • The Rural Health Outreach Van is at the Knud Hansen Complex. 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM for all services. 
  • Education Station has Bobby Olivasse tonight for a lecture on Alternative Medicine and the healing power of herbs. 
  • Frenchtown Coffee House has a poetry reading tonight at 6:00 PM. All poets are welcome to read their works. That’s Next door to Epernay’s in Frenchtown.
  • The Blues are coming to the Schools this week. Kenneth Jackson is here from Memphis to teach and jam the Blues. Today Kenneth Jackson is at Antilles School to conduct a seminar for teachers on “Blues and Calypso, Two Parts of the Same Song”. Tomorrow Jackson is performing at UVI Little theater at 8 
  • Edith Williams School began a workshop on reading and writing at 8:30 AM. There is no school today for Edith William’s today. School will open at 7:50 AM from now on. 
  • Miss J has a Fantasy Come True Fashion Show coming up for the CAHS Special Education classes. Miss J’s is bringing her models, live music, and lots more. All proceeds help take the Special Education Class to Disney World. That’s Sunday at L’Escargo at Call Miss J at 775-0249.