Monday, March 18, 1996

US Virgin Islands 

[singlepic id=4817 w=180 h=40 mode=web20 float=left]Good morning! This is Alex Randall with Good News Headlines 


Cash rewards for Crime Tips

The Chamber of Commerce met on Friday amid concerns over the recent crimes, and one of the outcomes is the creation of a fund to reward citizens who provide information to the police that leads to an arrest. In related news, three suspects were arrested on Sunday in connection with a carjacking and they may be suspects in the recent shootings as well. The Northside is taking action to help combat crime. Over 300 residents attended a town meeting Saturday evening and resolved to form a neighborhood crime watch program for the north side neighborhoods.

Landfill Fire Under Control

The Bovoni landfill fire is underground again. Over the weekend the fire was brought under some control. Public works is seeking bids from contractors to extinguish the fire.

Congress and the Loan

A US Congress joint committee is mulling over the details of a congressional bill that includes the Virgin Islands 150 million dollar loan. The president is said to oppose other sections of the bill and may veto it. Nevertheless, Congressman Frazer points out there is no opposition to our loan. We’’ll keep you posted.

Senate Calendar

Our Senate will be busy this week. Today they are considering bills that to allow the police to auction unclaimed property, a bill to increase Gov employees loans to 15000, a bill to establish a new traffic violations system. They will consider water taxis for the airport and punishments for carjacking. The Committee on Housing will meet today on the bill to transform renters to owners in public housing. Celestino White reminds you that Public meetings are occurring tonight at the Legislature on a bill to sell public housing to the occupants. That’’s at 6P.

Seder Celebration Reservations

The Hebrew Congregation will be celebrating a Passover Seder this April 3rd at Frenchman’s Reef with song, prayer and symbolic foods that help rekindle memories of the exodus 3500 when the enslaved Jews escaped bondage and returned to their home land. If you’d like to learn or attend, reservation are due March 20th Call 774- 4312.


The Elena Christian Science Fair is this week. The judging is on Wednesday and there’s an open house on Thursday from 8 AM to 2 PM for you everyone to visit and view the projects at the Elena Christian Jr. HS. Kirwin PTA/ tonight/ 5:30 / cafeteria/ Stephen Smokey Frett UVI Little Theater; auditions for Playboy of the West Indes; tonight and tomorrow at 7 PM CAHS Band Booster Parents; tonight; 5:30; school music suite. Federal Employees; Cost of Living meeting; today; 2 PM; StThomas Federal Building. Grenada Association; 7PM; Home of Melinda David Wintberg 776-5782

Island Year

Twenty one high school students started working at the Hospital this week as part of the Island Year public service program. The program lets the students earn modest stipends while getting valuable job experience and getting to see all aspects of the island government. That’s 21 students on the road to success. That’s good news.