Marsha Stein Portrait Order Form


Send a photo or photos of the person (s) to be painted.

Describe or send a photo of your special background (i.e. beach, mountains, trees, flowers, fantasy or favorite spot)

Select size and price of your portrait.  Send 1/2 of the commission price with description and photo:

Marsha Stein
6501 Red Hook Plaza
Suite 201
St. Thomas, USVI  00802

** Prices Subject to Change **



Prices for 
1 person

Prices for 
Additional Person

Shipping Charges


Anything under 500 sq. inches


+ $250 each additional person



600 sq. inches – 799 sq. inches


+ $300 each additional person



800 sq. inches – 999 sq. inches


+ $400 each additional person



1000 sq. inches – 1199 sq. inches


+ $500 each additional person



1200 sq. inches – 1399 sq. inches


+ $600 each additional person



1400 sq. inches – 1728 sq. inches


+ $700 each additional person



Use even number dimensions – example:  20″ x 30″ = B, 18″ x 24″ = A, 34″ x 36″ = C, 34″ x 42″ = E, 30″ x 40″ = D, etc.  Please specify length and width.

Example:  One 32″ x 40″ portrait with 2 people
                 1280 sq. inches = Size E – $1,200 +$600 = $1,800
                 plus shipping – $120 = $1920
                 Mail $900 to order portrait and $1020 upon approval and completion.

  1. Upon receipt of photo, description, dimensions and check for 1/2 commission (US FUNDS), painting will commence and be completed within one month.
  2. Photograph of completed portrait will be mailed for your approval.
  3. Upon your approval, balance of commission (US FUNDS) is forwarded to Marsha Stein.
  4. Painting is shipped to you.